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Upgrade to DATASTOR Backup for RDX
DATASTOR is a direct replacement, 100% compatible, with Tandberg AccuGuard Server software as well as Quantum GoProtect software. Existing stores created with AccuGuard Server or GoProtect can be used directly by our flagship solution. Enjoy over 100 product improvements with DATASTOR Shield and the confidence with having software support and maintenance direct from DATASTOR from the moment you upgrade!
AccuGuard Server for RDX or Quantum GoProtect customers:
Upgrade to our RDX Backup software online
Read our step-by-step instructions to upgrade for Quantum GoProtect or AccuGuard Server for RDX
Straight forward conversion steps for the DATASTOR Shield v9 Pro Server Backup includes a soft uninstall, installing new DATASTOR Shield and adding new license keys.
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